Friday, December 6, 2013

Who We Are

Whitney: This is me. I'm uncomfortably in my thirties and who, according to my psychic, is outrageously anxious and in desperate need of believing I'm worth good things. Conversely, my ego can be taken down a notch, and I need to come to terms with the fact that I scare the shit out of anyone/ everyone I meet. I will not tell you my astrological sign, as it might make your brain implode.  And yet, an omission: a friend once asked me to describe my style in two words: slept in.

I wait tables. I paint. I walk my dog to the bar. I sometimes play piano. I'm broke and am always in heels and dresses, and I'm really good of talking you out of precious things. But what I'm really good at is food and wine and art, and the seedy back story of my city. I can take you underground, with the secret handshake. I will you tell you all the stories our families so desperately try over up, AND, I'll show you pictures.

Daisy: age 3.4, pug. Likes short butt-runs on the beach, big beasty dogs that want to eat her, licking nostrils at dawn, and being the big spoon. She's scared of the wind in Bart tunnels, is incredibly good with strangers, and always manages to get something free from the bartender. 

Krysten: age 23, server/ environmental scientist (left). Likes feeding people delicious and healthy alternatives, dropping her vegetable debris in water to see if it will continue to grow, and giving more sound advice than some of my 80 year old friends.

Isabelle: age 23, antique slinger/ marine biologist (right). Lover of rats and ferrets and all things that make me go, EW. Likes providing salami for my reforming vegetarian tendencies, and is a very willing participant. I'm waiting to find her dark secrets and make her shriek with glee. I find her fascinating. We are clearly newer friends.

Our typical adventures: San fucking Francisco on Monday morning. We do, we drink, we document. And you should totally come with.

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